Music collection stats

Over the past couple of years I have been keeping track of the size of my music collection. I do it in a way I could never measure before MP3s. I like it that I know just how many songs I have. In college I had a 3x5 card for each album I owned on it. I used that to keep track of what albums had what songs. It did not give me this kind of data.

Here are my updated music collection stats:

Number of Songs
1-Jan-04 --- 28206
1-Jan-05 --- 36026
1-Jan-06 --- 41585
1-Jan-07 --- 46470

Size in GB
1-Jan-04 --- 123.74
1-Jan-05 --- 158.99
1-Jan-06 --- 181.31
1-Jan-07 --- 203.95

Size in time
1-Jan-04 --- 78:04:31:04
1-Jan-05 --- 99:01:07:31
1-Jan-06 --- 144:02:05:25
1-Jan-07 --- 156:19:33:52


If I listed to music 24 hours a day the last day to start to get through my whole collection would be Friday, July 27, 2007. If I listed to music 18 hours a day the last day to start to get through my whole collection would be Monday, June 4, 2007. If I started tomorrow I would have to listen to my collection 10.6 hours a day listen to it all.

Right now there are people shaking their head wondering why I would care about these number. I do because I can.


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