Pretty Nice Hair Cut

Pretty Nice Hair Cut
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

I got my hair cut yesterday. I have been putting it off for a while. My ex-girlfriend like my hair long, so I did not get it cut much over the last year. She liked running her fingers through my hair. I liked that she like my hair. It was a little too long for my job. I know I work in Silicon Valley, but as a manager now I need to look like I am coming to work.

Old haircut
Before the hair cut

I liked having long hair, but it was a pain. It was long enough that my baseball caps did not fit. It was a pain having my hair fall into my eyes. Now I will not have any problems taking photos. I made some mistakes on photos because my hair was in the way.

The Cousin It Look

The haircut represents a break from the past. She liked it long. Whenever I talked about getting it cut she would protest. I will admit that cutting my hair is away to distance myself from the relationship. I know that distance is important.

After hair cut

I am not sure if women will like this haircut more or less that the last one. To be honest I really do not care. In the end it is just hair. Tell me what you think of the new haircut.


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