Stuck in my head

I cannot explain a band like Belle and Sebastian. Most of my friends know who they are, but I never see them in the media. I know lots of people who like them, but they are no one's favorite band. Some of my friends think that there is something pretentious and overly hipster about liking them.

Electronic Renaissance is a song that I cannot get out of my head once I hear it. It will be bumping up there for hours. I will hum it to myself and I know no one around me had any clue what I am doing. It is one of those songs that is addictive in a good way.

Belle and Sebastian is clearly one of those bands that is influenced by the Smiths and New Order. They are almost designed to be liked by people who would still like something outside the mainstream, but do not want to work at it.

Song: Electronic Renaissance

Band: Belle and Sebastian

Album: Tigermilk


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