Thanksgiving effect

I have been kind of depressed for a little while now. No matter what I tried, I was still down. A couple of the things that were getting me down had turned around. I could not figure out why I was still down. Today my cousin invited me to spend Thanksgiving with his family. I accepted and right away I was in a better mood. Where I had been dragging I intently just started to have a good time again.

I wonder if this was that one thing that was just keeping me down. I was hoping to get invited to a dinner by one of the people I work with. I was hoping to make this a social event. I figured out a couple of weeks ago that was not going to happen. Most of the people that I asked were going out of town. There was not much going on around here.

This might speak my lack of friendships in Silicon Valley. I really wanted to find some kind of orphans' Thanksgiving dinner to go to. I thought that one of my friends would have to having one. That was not the case. If I had more friends, would I have been invited somewhere? I do not know the answer to this question.

What I know is that I have somewhere to eat turkey tomorrow. That I am thankful for. I do not know what tomorrow will be like, but I know I will have a good time.


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