2011 State Of My Heart Address

The Happy Couple

Welcome to my 2011 State of My Heart Address. I am happy to keep on doing this. I did this when I did not have romantic relationships. I think it is important about the good things.

When I think about this last year, I think about the moments great and small. I think about Kate being there for important moments, but I also think about waking up next to her everyday. Kate was there for me when Dad died, but she has also been here for me everyday when I come home from work.

It is hard to describe how full my heart is. There is sometimes when I hug Kate and she hugs me back the world feels perfect. I have never been this connected to someone in my life. I will feel off and Kate knows it. She will tell me "What's wrong, I can't feel you out." I know that she knows something is wrong. It feels good to have someone with that kind of connection to me.

I will tell you this, I am never lonely anymore. I am alone from time to time. I know if I need to reach out, Kate is there for me. I can remember a time before I knew Kate, at the same time I feel like it has always been this way. Maybe that is the feeling that it should have always been this way.

We have gone through a lot this year. It has not always been easy for us. The year had its ups and downs. I know that we can work through any of it.


There is another part of my heart that I talk about. When my Dad passed away I kept on singing Love Will Tear Us Apart to myself. I realized there are lots of break up songs that can be about the death of a loved one. On the flight back from the funeral I broke into tears several times listening to songs I never thought would make me cry.

Thinking about my dad still makes my heart heavy. I think about him everyday. It has been slow for me to come to grips with his death. I did not see him a lot over the last couple of years, so it is hard to come to terms with the fact he is really gone.

I hope Dad's death has taught me to value the people I care about more.



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