Best Photos of 2010

San Jose for Sanity: Kate's Smile

Of Course I am thinking of the best photos of 2010. There are a couple of ways to look at this. The first way it to use the Flickr Interesting rating. This is not so interesting because how everything tilts to Comic Con and Wonder Con. That gets all the attention and it messes up the Flickr auto sets.

April 3: Wonder Con 2010 Green and Super

The real way for me to pick my best photo of 2010. I took a lot of photos this year. More then 4500 of them have been posted to flickr. That is a lot of photos to look at. I picked some of my favorites, but I had a hard time editing that number down. I picked over 200 photos for my first draft. My second draft I got the set down to 100 photos.

Ben Franklin Bridge at Sunset

Some years it is really easy to pick the best photo of the year. This is the other type of year. It is hard to pick my best photo this year. I wish I could have other people pick for me. If you want to tell me what you think look at my photos from 2010 and tell me which ones you think is best.


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