Old Photos

Frank Rizzo statue

I recently came across a stash of old digital photos. The first group are photos I took back in 1999 with my old Sony Mavica MVC-FD85. The second group I took on my

Summer Vacation 2004
trip and shot mostly with my Olympus C740 Ultra Zoom and my Olympus Stylus 410. I have been obsessed with these photos. I have been looking through them looking for what to post on flickr.

Christmas 1999

The set from 1999 were taking while I was back in Philadelphia for Christmas. That Christmas I was home for less that 56 hours. There is a set of when I was home with my family and a set sitting around the airport with two friends.

The Sony Mavica was not a great camera. It was kind of like all the drawbacks of a Polaroid camera without any of the charm. I bought that camera because it was the only digital camera on the consumer market that did not need a serial port to get photos off it. Do you remember when you used the serial port for cameras?

Christmas 1999: Dad and Mom

The camera was a pure point and shoot. On top of that it was pretty heavy. The meta data was not in exif format. It was kept on a text file on the disk, which did not stay with the photos over these years. I look at these photos and feel lucky any of them were any good. I did not know what I was doing and the camera did not help.

Summer Vacation 04

PHL Airport

All photos from the past take them to the past. They make us think about who we are and who we were. It was only a few years ago, but 2004 feels like a long time ago. I have grown a lot and my life feels different. I guess six year is a long time ago for most people.

Looking at these photos, I think about being a better photographer now. I know how to frame a photo better. Having to use the view finder has made me think about framing the photo. I am going to look through a lot of photos. It makes me really happy when I like one of the photos.

Most of the photos never made them to flickr at the time. Back in 2004 I had joined Flickr, but I was not really using it yet. I was taking a lot of pictures, but I was not really doing anything with them. Using Flickr has changed the way I take pictures a couple of times. It has helped develop my eye for photography.

I am going to post a lot more pre-Flickr photos over the next couple of months. I want to get as many of my photos on flickr as I can. I like the idea of putting as many photos as I can on flickr. I know lots of people want only their best on flickr. I like the idea of every photo that is any good making it up there. I like using photos to remind me of my past. Flickr seems great for that.

I would love for people to look at these old photos and tell me what they think.


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