Disney to Cox: Lets find a way to make VOD less compelling

I heard on the radio today that ABC and ESPN is working a deal to offer free VOD content to Cox cable, but commercials cannot be avoided. It is not that VOD already has enough problems. On top of that you are going to force VOD users to watch commercials.

To me this is a pure sign that TV networks do not understand the change that is going on out there. They not know understand what technologies is doing. To say there are ads and you have to watch them, that will not work. People where commercial skipping long before DVRs by going to the bathroom.

I heard someone on the radio said that these costs must be paid for. If not by commercials, they will passed onto to the viewers. Viewers are already paying too much for cable. The TV network that wins will be the one that drives down the cost of their content, find other ways to monetize their content, and lets the user be in control of the content. Making your customers watch commercials will not save you.


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