Somebody Please Listen to Thomas Friedman

Yesterday Thomas Friedman was on NPR's Fresh Air. I think that anyone who cares about the current war between Israel and Hezbollah should listen to him. I think that he sees this conflict from many angles. I am always impressed when I hear him speak.

I have to sum this up because I could not find a transcript. If you want to know all the words, you can listen to it for yourself. It really is worth your time listen.

I was stunned when he said that Hezbollah hates Israel more than it loves their own children. Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah will stand on the ruins of Lebanon and said that he won. Israel is making microchip and you are potato chips and you won? Israel has the third most companies on the NASDAQ and Lebanon cannot make a light bulbs and you won?

Wow, these are powerful words. I have not seen anyone put it this way before. It is amazing. We need more voices like this if we want a better future.


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