More abazab


The latest version of the abazab playbox is out. It is a big improvement over the last version. The video from my phone is not the greatest. Looking at here at OVC makes it look really choppy. I am not sure where the weak link is. I will have to see if it looks better at home.

I now have an iSight for my iBook. It took me a while to get it working, but I found the answer of how to get Flash and iSight to work together. I am still playing with it on my website. I am having problems uploading the video from my iSight to Abazab. Once I can get that video uploaded I will have better quality video for abazab.

One of the new features is the ablity to embed video to any website using a url. Above and below is some video that I have embeded. Tell me what you think of the video. I am not sure if it is high enough quality to include on my blog or not.

I also have some invites to give out. It you are nice to me I might just give you one.

Diane Cluck


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