SV Blogger Meetup Notes

SV Blogger Meetup: camera
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

I know I am kind of late putting up the notes from the last blogger meetup. I am tired of this whole real-time blogging thing. I want things to pass over me so I can look back at them and figure them out. I am tried of the 24 hour blog cycle. I need some time to be lazy.

Roll Call: Elkit, Silvia, Jon, Charlie, David, Hank, Antwon, Ealasaid, Kevin

  • Elkit was reading Dick For A Day when I got there. She had not picked out her day yet.
  • I told Silvia that she is now my third all time viewed photo in Photo on Flickr
  • Elkit Told me about bootiesSF. She liked the top 10 mashups.
  • Charlie is new to the group, He calls his style is Liberal Progressive Community Activism.
  • Hank brought his Nikon D200, It is way too nice.
  • My new band 'the combat unicycles'
  • We tried to tell Charlie that all good bloggers have digital cameras
  • Hank's new Nikon D200 is hot. His lens is much larger than mine.
  • Tax day is come and gone, but we are still talking about taxes.
  • Lots of photos were shot. Check them out on Flickr
  • Pirates have speak like a cubical employee day.
  • David started his new company.
  • Kevin's secret goal is to subvert all of his other goals.
  • Tell me if I missed anything


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