End of The Year Mix CD challenge 2004

The cold winds of December have found their way back to our lives. That means that it is time for the End of the Year Mix CD challenge 2004. The idea is easy. It is time to document the music that 2004. This means different things to different people. Last year I posted the challenge on Sad Salvation and I got a lot of repsonces. I think I made a total of 20 copies of the mix. You can do what ever you like and send it to me as part of the challenge. I just want to know what songs you will remember when you think of 2004.

I make two mixes every year:

Mix 1: The Best New Music of the year. All of the songs on this list were released in 2004. If something is an unreleased track that was recording 10 years ago or version that is new this year, I count it. If it was a 2002 single but a 2003 album, it is still okay. Here is my Best of 2003 mix.

Mix 2: New to me this year. This is a CD of the music that I heard for the first time this year, but has been out for a while. Every year I seem to learn about albums I missed when they were released. Here is the New to Me 2003 mix

Hey, just because this is what I do, it does not mean this is what you should do. I am happy to share my mix with anyone who will send me a mix in return. Last year I got a lot of different ideas on this theme.

Angela-la-la, along with many other people, combined my idea to make a mix of New To Me, Anyway.

Jeremy sent me the best instrumentals of the year.

Elke gave me a mix of Songs that are Still Good As New

Number 12 sent me the mix A Day In My Head.

I would not be surpised if people came up with more ways to do it this year. If you send me a copy of your End of 2004 Mix, I will send you copies of my two mixes. I will also post all the mixes on Sad Salvation. If you are going to take part leave a comment or send me an e-mail.


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