Buy Nothing Day

Today, Friday November 29, 2002 was annual Buy Nothing Day. It is an anti-consumerist holiday. The idea is to counter "Black Friday" and the idea that shopping and Christmas are tied together.

This year, for the first time since I have know about Buy Nothing Day, I actually bought nothing on Black Friday. Not only did I avoid buying anything. I also did not leave my apartment. Every year I think about Buy Nothing Day and that it means. What am I doing to the world with every dollar that I spend.

In the end, my part of Buy Nothing Day means very little. I am still going to spend just as much money on Christmas. I might spend an all time high. I did not go out an organize or participate in anything that will keep people buying less. I did not protest the whole idea of consumerism. I just did not go shopping. I missed some traffic, some crowds, and some sales. I am not sure I can become and anti-consumerist.


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