Darkness and Light

I was talking with DD at lunch today. We were talking about light and dark sides of ourselves. DD is an undying optimist. He thinks that things are generally good and will generally turn out well. I get to hear some of his doubts and hang ups, but there are not many.

I told him that I have a real darkside. There are things in me that are really not that pleasant. He was surprised that I think this of myself. He thinks that I am usually a pretty up and happy person. I think he looks down on people that have too dark of an outlook on life. In his eyes, they make themselves unhappy.

I think DD sees me this way because when I am given a choice, I choose to be happy. I choose to do things that will be good for me in the end. If I have the choice to be with people, I usually take it. I try not to lock myself away. I have seen people who choose the dark things. I know that I could be that way, but I fight not to be.


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