Saturday Party

Yesterday Eric had a first birthday party for his son Nick. I was happy to be invited to the event. I was more then happy to go after the good time I had I my birthday party. If Eric is going to host a party, I am going to go. I am always looking for a good reason to get out of my apartment.

I stayed at Eric's place until midnight last night. I am usually in the group of people that need to get kicked out at the end of the night. A lot of Eric's friends are also like that. They are the kind of people that want to hand out until all the food and beer is gone. Usually that means the next morning.

I like Eric's friends, but they are intimidating. They seem to be so close to each other. They seem to have so much history with each other. It is like they have known each other forever. They are very nice and very open, but I feel there is a real core that I will never have a chance to poke though. I wish I had a group of friends around here like that. I would like to hang out with them more often, but I am not sure how to do that without forcing myself on them. It is the feeling that I always get when it comes to friends.


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