Feeling like and Adult

This is an answer to Angela's Question

I know this is not what I thought 30 would look like. Then again, when I was 25 I used to say that all my friends and I had the same flaw, we could not see ourselves five years in the future.

Things that make me feel like an adult:

-Writing checks for my bills every week
-Living on the other side of the country of my family
-Grocery shopping

Thinks that make me feel that I am not being adult enough

-My eatting habits
-The state of my apartment
-living in a studio apartment

As for Jeremy's questions,

What are the new difficulties that one faces in adulthood, and are there (ethical, sustainable) means of surmounting those difficulties?

I am not sure what the new difficulties are. My biggest is problem is getting involved with communites. The exisiting groups I run into do not seem to meet my needs or interests.

Are "alternative lifetyles" more likely to yield happiness than "traditional" lifestyles? If so, what are the difficulties involved with pursuing an alternative lifestyle, and what activities could counteract those difficulties?

I am not sure. Most "alternative lifestyles" work hard to build a self-selecting community within that lifestyle. I am not sure you could classify my life as eithe traditional or alternative right now.

Do adults need play, and does play provide more for an adult than simple regression?

I think that adults need to play more then we admit to. I think there are social aspect to play that we get few other places. I have to admit that sometimes playing leaves me empty and I want something more substaintinal. I guess I should look at the games I am playing.

What is the role of ritual in an adult life? Of learning?

I do not know the answers to either of these. But they are questions I ask myself all the time.

Who are the people who are thinking about these ideas? What are the helpful texts?

The only people I know thinking about this are my friends.


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