I have been reviewed

As Part of the Peer to Peer Review Project Sad Salvation was reviewed by the writer of eclectica. Here is the review:

special review: sad salvation

As part of the The Peer-to-Peer Review Project, I was assigned the below weblog to review.

Sad Salvation:
Rich Thomas, a self-described "nearing 30 gadget head and phone monkey," says about his weblog: "Day by day by day by day....this is my attempt to make sense of the world".

I'd say that his title, Sad Salvation, pretty much sums up the feel of the 'blog. It's somber and kind of tedious.

This is just my opinion; and personally, I tend to like weblogs that are more about commentary on other web sites and the news than about day-to-day activities. Rich's weblog is definitely more of a journal: He talks about his job at TiVO, his travels, how much he drank that day.

You might find the fact that he works at TiVo interesting. I did; but he can't write about it too much, for fear that one of his bosses or coworkers would read it. A quote from Rich from October 5, 2001:
"I know that I cannot write everything that I want to write about work on this Web Log. I want people who I work with to be able to read it. I want to mention the name of the company that I work for, TiVo. I also want to mention my name. The problem is if I have these two things in this web log, who knows who will be able to find it. Some one might be able to search for it. I could cause some bad times for myself."

As for his weblog layout/design, I'm pretty sure it's a Blogger template. It's blue, uncompelling. It's easy to navigate though, and that's more important than the look of the design.

Main content: Journal, travelouge, personal musings on life, etc.

Personally, his content didn't resonate with me, cause me to think or want to come back to read more. I probably won't visit again, but that's just me. I urge you all to go check it out. Who knows, you might like it!

I think this person hits my weblog right on. There are a lot of things here I can improve on. I have to think about making Sad Salvation better or not spend less time on it. I want this to be about my life, but I think I can make it a better read.


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