Web logs

There have been articles about web logs in Time, PC Magazine, and Fortune. They are all talking about this new and growing web trend. The pro-journalist have all these ideas why this trend is popular. Sometimes I think they miss it.

I thing blog are easy, fun, DYI, and what we been wanting from the web for a couple of years now. E-mail is still the killer app of the web. Many web logs are like e-mail to the world. I have an idea and I want to tell everyone about it. Instead of sending an e-mail to 20 people, I can just post it.

I think the DYI aspect is important. I think people that might do a zine fine web logs to be a little easier to do. They are a lot better then web zines. There are a lot of web logs out there that I would never read. There are some that I come across that I cannot get enough of. There were cool personal pages in the past, but people did not update them enough. You can read most web logs a couple times a week and always get something new.

There was a time in 2000 that I thought companies has really taken over the web. I thought that people where no longer interesting in content from other people. The Dot.com bust and Blog explosion makes me happy. It looks like people have an idea what they want from the web. I agree with people who want more personal content.


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