Jak's View from Vancouver

I found this story on Jak's View from Vancouver.

Many of my friends know that I have an interest in religions and religious cults. I was not sure someone could put a religion out of business. It looks like that might just be possible. It looks like the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), the Hare Krishnas have filed for Chapter 11. They recently lost a $400 million dollar law suit.

I never found the Hare Krishnas that interesting. When I was in Portland I would ask them if they really thought the male orgasm really killed brain cells. I loved the range of answers I would get. The answer I would get the most is that it is giving up part of their life force. I guess I was a little mean for putting them on the spot.

I had an e-mail pen pal who was an ex Hare Krishna. She spent 15 years with them. She confirmed the idea that being with them arrested her emotional growth. When she got out she was a 33 year old with the emotions of an 18 year old. This was proof enough for me that it really is a cult.

I wonder how soon it will be before someone tried to put the Moonies out of business the same way. That would be harder because Rev Moon has a lot of money.


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